Helping you change your relationship with pain and tune into your holistic needs

Coping with Endometriosis & Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) affects ~20% of women aged 18-50 (IPPS, 2012; Zondervan, 1999) and half of women who live with CPP have endometriosis. Sadly, many women living with CPP have had their pain minimized or invalidated or disbelieved. Your pain is real and you are not alone! CPP is one of the most common medical problems affecting women today (IPPS, 2012). There are biological/gynecological factors as well as psychosocial-spiritual factors such as trauma, stress, sleep issues, anxiety, mood, and support which can contribute to chronic pelvic pain. Research indicates that neuroscience-informed approaches, cognitive-behavioural (CBT) strategies, and mindfulness-based strategies can support you in changing your pain experience. At Sacred Circle Counselling, I will help you learn evidence-based strategies to activate your                parasympathetic nervous system to improve your pain experience. As a chronic pain ally, I will assist you in adopting resiliency building practices that are emotionally regulating and empowering.

Let’s talk!

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