Helping you quiet the eating disorder ‘voice’ and
nourish all parts of yourself on your journey to recovery

Eating Disorder Recovery

How old were you when you started to dislike your own reflection?

  • ~35-57% of adolescent girls engage in crash dieting, fasting, and bulimia-related behaviors (
  • ~Eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors occur more often amongst LGBTQ+ community          members than their cisgender and heterosexual peers (
  • ~Weight stigma, a form of discrimination based on body weight, increases body dissatisfaction and is a risk factor in the development of eating disorders (

Disordered eating exists on a continuum with dieting on the mild end & eating disorders on the extreme end.

Individuals with disordered eating can experience:disconnected relationships, intense self-loathing, loss of personal power, perfectionism, persistent body checking, and unhealthy weight control behaviors      including dieting, fasting, excessive exercise, steroid abuse, & even binging and purging.

Affecting approximately one million Canadians of all ages, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa,      bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, and rumination disorder are complex mental health disorders with one of the highest mortality rates of any mental health         disorders (

Negative body image is associated with poor quality of life, eating disorders, mood disorders, addiction, weight cycling, and poor self-care. Disordered eating and negative body image issues can make you feel isolated and alone in the world. For most, they fight an invisible internal battle between your mind and your body involving the harsh critical ‘voice’ of the eating disorder.

At Sacred Circle Counselling, I will help you develop a healthy relationship with yourself, your body, food, and movement. I will assist you in the process of turning down the volume on the eating disorder voice and getting reacquainted with your internal compass to learn to trust your body wisdom again.

Let’s talk.

Book a free a 20-minute phone consultation with me.

